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Key Performance Indicator Professional Certification Training

Balanced Scorecard Institute (BSI), in association with the George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership, part of the College of Professional Studies, developed the KPI Professional Certification program as a comprehensive program for leaders, managers, or analysts who want to learn how to build, deploy, and sustain KPIs in order to improve organizational strategic or operational performance.

Most people – whether executives, managers, strategy or performance professionals, or analysts – struggle to develop and manage KPIs or use performance information to make better decisions. This program helps participants who are working to find meaningful KPIs, get true buy-in to performance measurement, align measures to strategy, and use measures to drive improvement to reach targets.  Print a Brochure

2020 Certification

Register below or Contact us about bringing this Program onsite!

KPI Certification available LIVE ONLINE and IN-PERSON

KPI Professional Certification can be gained via a virtual offering or in person! Experience the entire program as a series of sessions, facilitated group activities, and an online exam. All sessions, including small group exercises, will be facilitated by an expert facilitating consultant.

Learn more

Program Overview

KPI and performance measurement development is a discipline that involves articulating what an organization is trying to accomplish and then identifying the most meaningful and useful indicators of success. Simply selecting standard measures from a long list of possible measures is not effective. Performance measures, or KPIs, are a key part of any strategic management system, as they are critical to assessing the effectiveness of strategy implementation. KPIs also help with analysis of the gap between actual and targeted performance, and with measurement of organizational effectiveness and operational efficiency. Operational measures, project measures, risk measures, and employee measures provide an early-warning system throughout an organization to help improve performance. Meaningful and strong KPIs provide insight into whether strategies are working, whether programs, projects and services are on schedule, on budget, and delivered effectively. KPIs focus employees’ attention on what matters most to success, and allow for measurement of accomplishments.

This program is designed for all sectors—business and industry, government, and non-profit—and provides participants with practical tools to developing meaningful strategic and operational performance measures, and then develop their skills through a series of practical application exercises. Participants are taught how to use tools like the Logic Model, Cause-Effect Analysis, and Process Flow Analysis, used by organizations around the world, to understand and articulate desired results, determine what to measure, set targets and thresholds, develop composite measures using lower level performance measures, measure outcomes, outputs, processes, and inputs, and produce visually appealing reports and dashboards that better inform decision making throughout an organization. This course is designed to help participants understand the fundamentals of performance management, then successfully develop, deploy, and manage meaningful KPIs for strategic, operational, or program management.

About Our Partnership

In order to provide a seamless, high quality learning experience for the current and aspiring strategy leaders, BSI has partnered with The George Washington University’s Center for Excellence in Public Leadership (GW CEPL), a part of the College of Professional Studies.

Upon successful completion of the KPI Professional Certification program, participants have the option of earning an additional certificate of completion from the renowned George Washington University’s Center for Excellence in Public Leadership (GW CEPL), part of the GW College of Professional Studies (GW CPS). For more information about GW CEPL, visit: www.gwu.edu/cepl or contact cepl@gwu.edu.

Credit Hours

Continuing Education Units

The certification gives participants the status of alumni of GW CEPL’s executive education programs, and an opportunity to obtain highly-coveted Continuing Education Units (CEUs)*. Please note the additional fee of $900 for this level of certification to obtain 3 Continuing Education Units. Participants selecting this option would count as alumni of George Washington University’s non-degree executive education programs, which is distinct from degree-bearing academic programs.

*One CEU is equivalent to 10 hours of face-to-face instruction time.

Professional Development Units

Balanced Scorecard Institute is an Authorized Training Partner for the Project Management Institute (PMI) and provides Professional Development Units (PDUs) for the KPI Professional Bootcamp Certification course. Shown below are the instructional hours spent on each area of the PMI Talent Triangle for this course. Access PMI.org and navigate to the Online PDU Reporting (CCR) System.

The PMI Authorized Training Partner seal is a mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.


Who Should Attend?

This course is recommended for:

  • Teams or individuals with performance measurement/management responsibility
  • Senior managers or leaders who are establishing, leading, and managing performance management and/or measurement programs and systems
  • Managers, planners and analysts who are part of a strategic planning and management team and are seeking the best practical ideas for improving organizational performance
  • Employees who have been tasked to plan, develop, or improve dashboards, KPI scorecards, business processes, program and project management, portfolio management or other measurement systems
  • Managers, planners, or analysts who are involved with defining performance measures or complying with regulatory and other reporting requirements
  • Budget analysts who need performance information to formulate budgets and evaluate programs

Program Benefits

This program is made up of hands-on workshops taught by the most senior Institute facilitating consultants, and is designed to enable anyone involved with developing performance measures to learn best practices so they can more effectively and efficiently develop, deploy and manage KPIs.  Instructors will work closely with each participant so they can understand the important business drivers that ensure a successful performance measurement system implementation. Participants will contribute to organizational success by measuring what matters most and apply it to what they learned to their own organization’s performance measurement architecture. This program appeals to leaders and managers internationally, and past participants have raved about the value they received from working side-by-side with others who come from all over the world and various organization types. This sharing of practical experience occurs through classroom discussions, through meet-and-greet receptions scheduled during the week, and in some cases through electronic correspondence long after the course has ended.

But Why Get Certified?

There has never been a better time to accelerate your career in KPI development and/or balanced scorecard facilitation, and earning a certification is a great way to do just that. Even if you have been working with KPIs and metrics for 15 years, certifications are an excellent way to market yourself and stand out from the crowd. Earning certifications shows a potential employer (and your current one) that you are willing to go the extra mile.

Intellectual Property Note

Certification and training related to the Nine Steps to SuccessTM methodology is for internal facilitation and personal use only. Any use of the Nine Steps to SuccessTM methodology, or any other BSI or BSI partner intellectual property, beyond internal facilitation use without a formal affiliate or associate agreement with the Institute is prohibited.

Hands-On Training

Through case studies and a series of interactive small-group workshops, participants will apply the KPI development and management concepts to meet the challenges facing a typical organization. 

Exercises performed throughout this program include: 

  • Identify KPI challenges
  • Utilize diagnostic tools, such as the Strategic Maturity Model, Logic Model and Process Flow
  • Develop Strategic Themes and Results
  • Develop Strategic Objectives
  • Understand how well articulated performance results lead to more meaningful measures
  • Utilize a Measure Design and Measure Definition templates to develop meaningful measures
  • Develop a Performance Measures dashboard
  • Identify best practices in building and sustaining a performance culture
  • Develop Performance Measures for each of the measurement families: strategic, operational, project measures, risk and employee
  • Prepare and deliver your own KPI Application Project


The course will be taught by Principals and Senior Associates of the Balanced Scorecard Institute. These instructors have specialized expertise in KPI and balanced scorecard training, facilitation and consulting in public and private-sector organizations. 

Key Performance Indicator Professional Course Series

Key Performance Indicator Professional Certification can be gained via a 5-day KPIP Certification Boot Camp (plus exam) or by first taking the KPI Certification Part 1 followed by the KPI Certification Part 2 course (plus exam).Print a Brochure

Key Performance Indicator Professional Boot Camp

Course 550 – 5 Days
Price: $4,500

The Key Performance Indicator Professional Certification Boot Camp combines the entire course curriculum from the Part 1 and Part 2 courses below and is the fastest and easiest path to KPI Profession Certification. Price includes access to the KPIP online certification exam.


Key Performance Indicator Professional Part 1

Course 350 – 3 Days
Price: $2,700

The KPI Certification Part 1 course provides an introduction to KPIs and their strategic context, and then introduces participants to a step-by-step methodology that can be used to develop various types of KPIs. Through short lectures, case studies, and applied exercises, participants learn the fundamentals of KPI development, how to get true buy-in to performance measurement by building a performance measurement culture, and how to strongly align measures that drive improvement to strategy.

The focus of Day One is on understanding basic KPI terminology and the purpose of measurement, as well as the strategic context needed to develop and align meaningful KPIs. In Days Two and Three, participants learn the fundamentals of KPI development and focus on making strategy measurable and easier to communicate and cascade. They select and design KPIs in a consistent way, using the right data and with the right ownership. With this knowledge, the participants design insightful and actionable reports and dashboards that focus discussion on improvement and are able to clearly see the real signals from measures about whether performance is improving or not.

At the end of the Part 1 course, participants will understand how to clearly communicate desired results and make lasting improvements in performance. They will be able to tightly align measures to strategy, and measure intangible goals, while streamlining the measurement and reporting process to reduce cost and effort and cycle time. By learning KPI Development, participants will get everything needed to create measures that transform an organization’s performance.

Key Performance Indicator Professional Part 2: Application Course

Course 450 – 2 Days
Price: $1,800

This course is designed to help participants who understand the fundamentals of performance management successfully develop their skills through a series of practical application exercises. The course covers more advanced KPI topics including the development of strategic, operational, project, risk, and employee measures, as well as creating KPI alignment by cascading objectives and managing with performance information. Participants learn an early-warning system that can be used throughout an organization to help improve performance. Throughout the course, participants will be applying the framework and learnings to an individualized KPI project that reflects improvements in their organization. At the conclusion of the program, each participant will share their application project for peer and faculty feedback.

At the end of the program, participants will be able to improve managers’ and employees’ perception of the value and importance of measuring performance, lift the skill level of managers and employees in selecting meaningful measures and using measures to support their decisions, increase the active involvement of employees in selecting and implementing performance measures, reduce the cycle time of implementing new performance measures, from choosing them to using them, and increase the proportion of strategic and operational business objectives that have meaningful measures identified.  

The Key Performance Indicator Professional Part 1 course is required before taking this course.

Learning Objectives

The program is designed around practical techniques and templates, real-life case studies, and time for participants to practice what they learn with support from experts. Participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize performance management as a key strategic and competitive differentiator
  • Understand theory and application of corporate performance management through Balanced Scorecards (BSCs) and other frameworks for developing KPIs
  • Create buy in and a culture of continuous performance improvement to enthusiastically own performance measurement and improvement
  • Drive performance-informed budgeting and accountability
  • Develop best practice KPIs, performance targets, and management dashboards
  • Improve performance of departments, teams, programs, projects, risks, and individuals
  • Make their strategy measurable and easier to communicate and cascade
  • Clearly see the real signals from their measures about whether performance is improving or not
  • Communicate performance information throughout the organization to better inform decision making
  • Convincingly hit performance targets, and make measurement about transformation

KPI Professional Certification Part 1 (3-day course):

Day One: Introduction to KPIs and KPI Development

  • Introduction to Application Exercises, KPI Case Studies, Tools, Templates, and Supplemental Resources
  • Introduction to KPIs and Strategic Management
  • Different Types of KPIs
  • Understanding Strategic Context and Goal Setting
  • Developing and Mapping Strategic Objectives
  • Creating the Right Performance Measurement Culture to Build Buy-in

Day Two: Performance Measure Development Process

  • The Process of Developing Performance Measures
  • Step 1: Describe the Intended Result(s)
  • Step 2: Understand Alternative Measures
    • Using the Logic Model to Develop Alternative Measures
    • Using the Process Flow Analysis to Develop Alternative Measures

Day Three: Performance Measure Development Process, cont

  • Step 2: Understand Alternative Measures, cont.
    • Using the Cause-Effect Analysis to Develop Alternative Measures
  • Step 3: Select the Right Measurement(s) for Each Objective
  • Step 4: Define Composite Indices as Needed
  • Step 5: Set Targets & Thresholds
  • Step 6: Define and Document Selected Performance Measures

KPI Professional Certification Part 2 (2-day course):

Day Four: Application – Different Types of Measures

  • Course Application Project Introduction and KPI Case Studies
  • Application: Develop Measures for Your Own Organization
    • Developing Measures for Strategy Execution
    • Developing Measures for Operations
    • Developing Measures for Projects
    • Developing Measures for Employee Performance
    • Measuring and managing risk: developing KRIs (Key Risk Indicators)

Day Five: KPI Advance Topics and Delegate Presentations

  • Creating KPI Alignment by Cascading Objectives
  • Managing Strategically with Performance Information
  • KPI Development Application Project for Delegate Organizations
  • Final Participant Application Project Presentation and Discussion

Certification Exam

The Key Performance Indicator Professional Certification exam, administered online, has 40 questions (multiple choice or true/false pulled randomly from a larger pool of questions). There is a 75-minute time limit to complete the exam and results are posted immediately. A score of 75% is needed to pass. 

After completing the course requirements, participants that have not already registered for the program will be given a link to register for the exam. Once participants have registered and course completion has been verified, a link for the exam and login information will be provided. Completed exams are scored automatically and both the participant and the Institute are notified immediately. Certifications will be mailed to the registration mailing address for those that pass. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing.

Maintaining the KPIP Designation – Re-certification

Re-certification is based upon earning 50 credits through continuing education, contributions to the field, and on the job experience. The Institute has established a certification committee to oversee the certification program.

KPIP Certifications expire on December 31, three years from the year a person originally certified (e.g., if you certified in 2017, regardless of which month of the year, your certification is due for renewal by December 31, 2020).

Annual re-certification notices are sent, as a courtesy, in the first quarter of the year in which the individual is due for renewal and additional reminders are sent throughout the year. Accompanying the reminder notice, will be a link to, information regarding the re-certification process and instructions to access the re-certification application form and guidelines.

Requirements for Recertification
All candidates for the Recertification must:

  • Download an application. Fill out and sign the application. Forms must be signed by the applicant in order to be processed.
  • Submit the completed the application electronically to tsterling@strategymanage.com by December 31st of the year of your recertification date
  • Remit the recertification fee.  The recertification fee is $295.00 and is non-refundable. An applicant will not be considered for recertification without payment.

If you have any questions, please contact our Training Manger, Terry Sterling at the above email address.


"I cannot thank you enough for arming and empowering us with this powerful tool. This is the single most useful training I have ever had. You are wonderful teachers who have made such a seemingly complex subject so simple, clear and easy to apply. "
Elias Kedir, United Nations


"The KPI Program was an enriching learning experience. The case studies and peer interactions helped to turn theory into practice."
Constellation Energy Director of Business Performance


"We are very pleased with the help provided by BSI. We are aiming for high revenue targets in a geographically diverse market, and BSI helped us translate our strategy into something that employees can actually use."
Laurent Auguste, President and CEO, Veolia Water Americas


"One of the best and most practical performance measurement classes I have attended…very helpful!"
John Rudrud, Manager of Finance and Strategic Planning, National Marrow Donor Program


"Fluor chose BSI based on their broad experience, their demonstration of the end result and the people we engaged with during the evaluation process. The process really bonded the team around our strategic intent. We do strategic planning every year, but this time we built a roadmap of how we will achieve our goals and how we will measure ourselves."
Matt McSorley, Fluor Energy & Chemicals Group

Schedule and Registration

DatesCourse TitleLocationRegion
5/20/2024May 20-24 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
Gold CoastAustraliaIn PersonKPI-P
6/3/2024Jun. 3-7 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
PretoriaSouth AfricaIn PersonKPI-P
6/9/2024Jun. 9-13 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
LIVE ONLINE or DubaiUAEOnline & In PersonKPI-P
6/24/2024Jun. 24-28 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
LagosNigeriaIn PersonKPI-P
6/13/2024Jun. 10-14 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Part 1 - KPI Part 2 - KPI Boot Camp
Chicago, ILUSAIn PersonKPI-P
7/1/2024Jul. 1-5 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPIP Boot Camp
SingaporeSingaporeIn PersonKPI-P
8/5/2024Aug. 5-9 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
LondonUKIn PersonKPI-P
8/5/2024Aug. 5-9 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
LagosNigeriaIn PersonKPI-P
9/26/2024Sep. 23-27 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Part 1 - KPI Part 2 - KPI Boot Camp
Washington, DCUSAIn PersonKPI-P
10/7/2024Oct. 7-18 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
LIVE ONLINESouth AfricaOnlineKPI-P
10/21/2024Oct. 21-25 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
Abu DhabiUAEIn PersonKPI-P
10/27/2024Oct. 27-31 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
DohaQatarIn PersonKPI-P
10/28/2024Oct. 28 - Nov. 1 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
SydneyAustraliaIn PersonKPI-P
11/17/2024Nov. 17-21 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
LIVE ONLINE or DubaiUAEOnline & In PersonKPI-P
12/8/2024Dec. 8-12 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
DohaQatarIn PersonKPI-P
12/9/2024Dec. 9-13 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Part 1 - KPI Part 2 - KPI Boot Camp
12/22/2024Dec. 22-26 KPI Professional Certification in Arabic
Register >> KPI Boot Camp Arabic
LIVE ONLINE or DubaiUAEOnline & In PersonKPI-P
3/11/2025Mar. 3-14 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Part 1 - KPI Part 2 - KPI Boot Camp
3/18/2025Mar. 18 KPI Essentials
Register >> KPI Essentials
4/10/2025Apr. 7-11 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Part 1 - KPI Part 2 - KPI Boot Camp
Washington, DCUSAIn PersonKPI-P
6/29/2025Jun. 29-Jul. 3 KPI Professional Certification in Arabic
Register >> KPI Boot Camp Arabic
LIVE ONLINE or DubaiUAEOnline & In PersonKPI-P
4/27/2025Apr. 27-May 1 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
LIVE ONLINE or DubaiUAEOnline & In PersonKPI-P
5/12/2025May 12-16 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Part 1 - KPI Part 2 - KPI Boot Camp
5/20/2025May 20 KPI Essentials
Register >> KPI Essentials
6/12/2025Jun. 9-13 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Part 1 - KPI Part 2 - KPI Boot Camp
Chicago, ILUSAIn PersonKPI-P
8/4/2025Aug. 4-8 KPI Professional Certification
Register >> KPI Boot Camp
LondonUKIn PersonKPI-P
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